Tainan closed schools and offices on Tuesday due to severe floods caused by overnight thundershowers.
The sporadic but heavy rain started Monday night and lasted until Tuesday morning. Many roads were flooded to thigh-high water levels keeping vehicles from being able to move. Some stores were also flooded.
The Tainan City Government activated its emergency response mechanism at 5:30 am. Mayor Huang Wei-cher announced the closing offices and schools an hour later.
Kaohsiung also saw heavy thundershowers early Tuesday morning which caused flooding in Gangshan and Hunei districts as well as nearly 4000 power outages. There were also over 20,000 power outages in Pintung Monday night but most were restored by the morning.
The Central Weather Bureau said the heavy rain was caused by southwesterly winds and thundershowers will continue in central and southern Taiwan for the rest of Tuesday.