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Are we doing enough to support Ukraine? (feat. Benjamin L. Schmitt)

  • 30 August, 2024
The Divide
旅美烏克蘭人科爾庫納告訴中央社,烏克蘭為了對抗在21世紀重劃歐洲邊界的俄羅斯而戰,為民主價值而戰必須贏。(科爾庫納提供)中央社記者周世惠舊金山傳真 111年2月27日 (圖:中央社)

Although the United States and the European Union have implemented extensive sanctions against Russia following its invasion of Ukraine, Russia continues to find its ways to finance its military efforts. Why has it not depleted its funds for weapons acquisition, and who is sustaining the Russian economy?

In this episode, Dr. Benjamin L. Schmitt, an astrophysicist and energy security expert from the University of Pennsylvania, explores the difficulties of enforcing sanctions and discusses why it is important for countries to transition to renewable energy. 

